Beam loads

class xc.TrussStrainLoad

Bases: xc.ElementBodyLoad


return the strain load at back end.


return the strain load at front end.

getStrains((TrussStrainLoad)arg1) → std_vector_xc_vector :

return the strain loads at both ends.

C++ signature :
std::vector<XC::Vector, std::allocator<XC::Vector> > getStrains(XC::TrussStrainLoad {lvalue})
class xc.BeamLoad

Bases: xc.ElementBodyLoad

class xc.BeamStrainLoad

Bases: xc.BeamLoad


Back end deformation plane.


Front end deformation plane.

class xc.BeamMecLoad

Bases: xc.BeamLoad

getGlobalForces((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns punctual/distributed force vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalForces(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getGlobalMoments((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns punctual/distributed moment vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalMoments(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getGlobalVectors((BeamMecLoad)arg1, (Matrix)arg2) → Matrix :
C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getGlobalVectors(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue},XC::Matrix)
getLocalForce((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Vector :

Returns local coordinates or force vector.

C++ signature :
XC::Vector getLocalForce(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalForces((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns punctual/distributed force vectors (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getLocalForces(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalMoment((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Vector :

Returns local coordinates of bending moment vector.

C++ signature :
XC::Vector getLocalMoment(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getLocalMoments((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns punctual/distributed force moments (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getLocalMoments(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getVector3dLocalForce((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Vector3d :

Returns a Vector3d with the local coordinates of the force vector.

C++ signature :
Vector3d getVector3dLocalForce(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
getVector3dLocalMoment((BeamMecLoad)arg1) → Vector3d :

Returns a Vector3d with the local coordinates of bending moment vector.

C++ signature :
Vector3d getVector3dLocalMoment(XC::BeamMecLoad {lvalue})
class xc.BeamPointLoad

Bases: xc.BeamMecLoad

class xc.BeamUniformLoad

Bases: xc.BeamMecLoad

getDistributedGlobalForces((BeamUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed force vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedGlobalForces(XC::BeamUniformLoad {lvalue})
getDistributedGlobalMoments((BeamUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed moment vectors (one for each element) expressed in global coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedGlobalMoments(XC::BeamUniformLoad {lvalue})
getDistributedLocalForces((BeamUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed force vectors (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedLocalForces(XC::BeamUniformLoad {lvalue})
getDistributedLocalMoments((BeamUniformLoad)arg1) → Matrix :

Returns distributed moment vectors (one for each element) expressed in element local coordinates.

C++ signature :
XC::Matrix getDistributedLocalMoments(XC::BeamUniformLoad {lvalue})
getResultant((BeamUniformLoad)arg1, (Pos3d)arg2, (bool)arg3) → SlidingVectorsSystem3d :

Returns the load resultant (load integrated over the elements).

C++ signature :
SlidingVectorsSystem3d getResultant(XC::BeamUniformLoad {lvalue},Pos3d,bool)
class xc.Beam2dPointLoad

Bases: xc.BeamPointLoad

class xc.Beam2dUniformLoad

Bases: xc.BeamUniformLoad

class xc.Beam3dPointLoad

Bases: xc.BeamPointLoad

class xc.Beam3dUniformLoad

Bases: xc.BeamUniformLoad