Colored diagram

Colored diagram of a function over a linear domain (set of 1D elments for example).

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram(scaleFactor, fUnitConv)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.fields.vtk_lut_field.LUTField

Colored diagram of a function over a linear domain (set of 1D
elements for example).
Variables:scaleFactor – scale factor.
addDiagramToScene(recordDisplay, orientation=1, title=None)

Adds the diagram to de scene

appendDataFromElementEnds(vDir, elem, indxDiagram, value1, value2)

Append to the diagram the data from the element ends as follows:

___—-* value2
value1 *— |

1 +———-+ 2

  • elem – element over which diagram is represented.
  • indxDiagrama – index-counter for the values to insert.
  • value1 – value at the start node.
  • value2 – value at the end node.
appendDataToDiagram(elem, indxDiagrama, v0, v1, defFScale=0.0)

Appends to the diagram the values being passed as parameter.

___—-* value2
value1 *— |

1 +———-+ 2

  • elem – element over which diagram is represented.
  • indxDiagrama – index-counter for the values to insert.
  • v0 – value at the start node.
  • v1 – value at the end node.
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
creaTramoDiagrama(offset, org, valOrg, dest, valDest)

Crea un tramo de diagrama.

  • offset – index-counter for the values to insert.
  • org – Extremo dorsal del elemento lineal.
  • dest – Extremo frontal del elemento lineal.
  • valOrg – Valor del campo escalar en el extremo dorsal.
  • valDest – Valor del campo escalar en el extremo frontal.
creaTramoDiagramaCambioSigno(offset, org, valOrg, dest, valDest)

Crea un tramo de diagrama en el que la función a representar cambia de signo.

param offset:Offset for the index of the values to insert.
param org:Back end of the 1D element.
param dest:Front end of the 1D element.
param valOrg:Value of the field at the back end.
param valDest:Value of the field at the front end.
creaTramoDiagramaSignoCte(offset, org, valOrg, dest, valDest)

Crea un tramo de diagrama en el que la función a representar no cambia de signo.

  • offset – Offset for the index of the values to insert.
  • org – Back end of the 1D element.
  • dest – Front end of the 1D element.
  • valOrg – Value of the field at the back end.
  • valDest – Value of the field at the front end.
getRaizTramoDiagrama(org, valOrg, dest, valDest)
Calcula la posición de la raíz del diagrama que se define
mediante los siguientes parámetros:

org: Extremo dorsal del elemento lineal.

dest: Extremo frontal del elemento lineal. valOrg: Valor del campo escalar en el extremo dorsal. valDest: Valor del campo escalar en el extremo frontal.


Diagram control variables

Display of diagrams (forces, moments, …) on linear elements

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.control_var_diagram.ControlVarDiagram(scaleFactor, fUnitConv, sets, attributeName, component)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram

Diagram of control var values (capacity factor values, internal forces values (N,My,Mz,T,Vy,Vz), crack width values,…

  • scaleFactor – scale factor for the diagram (can be negative too).
  • fUnitConv – unit conversion factor (i.e N->kN => fUnitConv= 1e-3).
  • sets – list of element sets for which the diagram will be displayed.
  • component – property to be displayed (possible arguments: ‘CF’, ‘N’, ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘wk’,…)

attributeName – name of the element’s property that has the control var in it for example as in elem.getProp(attributeName).component.


Add diagram to the scene


Return the data to use to represent the diagram over the element

  • elem – element to deal with.
  • component – component to show. Valid components are: ‘N’, ‘Qy’, ‘Vy’, ‘Qz’, ‘Vz’, ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘T’

Return the maximum absolute value of the component. It is used only for calculating auto-scale parameter, so we compare only values of the component in first node of the elements

Linear load diagram

Display of loads over linear elements.

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.linear_load_diagram.LinearLoadDiagram(setToDisp, scale, fUnitConv, component)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram

Draw a load over a set of linear element (qx,qy,qz,…)

  • setToDisp – set to display.
  • component – component to display.
  • dictActLoadVectors – dictionary that stores for each linear loaded element the sum of active loads on it (defaults to None)
dumpElementalLoads(actLP, indxDiagram)

Iterate over loaded elements dumping its loads into the graphic.

Parameters:actLP – list of active load patterns.
dumpLoads(preprocessor, indxDiagram)

Dump loads over elements.


Return the maximum absolute value of the component. It is used for calculating auto-scale parameter


Iterate over active load patterns and cumulate on elements their elemental loads. Returns a dictionary that stores for each linear loaded element the sum of active loads on it

Parameters:actLP – list of active load patterns.

Node property diagram

Diagram to display a property defined at nodes over linear elements.

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.node_property_diagram.NodePropertyDiagram(scaleFactor, fUnitConv, sets, attributeName)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram

Diagram to display a property defined at nodes over linear elements.

appendDataSetToDiagram(eSet, indxDiagrama, defFScale=0.0)

Append property values to diagram . :param eSet: Element set. :param defFScale: factor to apply to current displacement of nodes

so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)

Element property diagram

Diagram display a property defined over linear elements.

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.element_property_diagram.ElementPropertyDiagram(scaleFactor, fUnitConv, sets, propertyName)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram

Diagram of element properties

appendDataSetToDiagram(eSet, indxDiagrama, defFScale=0.0)

Append property values to diagram . :param eSet: Element set. :param defFScale: factor to apply to current displacement of nodes

so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
envelopes = {'My+', 'My-', 'Mz+', 'Mz-', 'N+', 'N-', 'T+', 'T-', 'Vy+', 'Vy-', 'Vz+', 'Vz-'}

Internal force diagram

Display of diagrams (forces, moments, …) on linear elements

class postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.vtk_internal_force_diagram.InternalForceDiagram(scale, fUnitConv, sets, component)

Bases: postprocess.xcVtk.diagrams.colored_diagram.ColoredDiagram

Diagram of internal forces (N,My,Mz,T,Vy,Vz)

getElementComponentData(elem, silent=False)

Returns the data to use to represent the diagram over the element

  • elem – element to deal with.
  • component – component to represent:
  • silent – if true don’t complain about non-existent properties.