General topics

Output handler

class postprocess.output_handler.OutputHandler(modelSpace=None, outputStyle=<postprocess.output_styles.OutputStyle object>)

Bases: object

Object that handles the ouput (graphics, etc.)

  • modelSpace – FE model data.
  • outputStyle – style of the output.
displayBeamResult(attributeName, itemToDisp, beamSetDispRes, setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

display results for beam elements from a limit state verification file.

:param attributeName:attribute name(e.g. ‘ULS_normalStressesResistance’) :param itemToDisp: result item to display (e.g. ‘N’, ‘My’, …) :param beamSetDispRes:set of linear elements to which display results :param setToDisplay: set of elements (any type) to be depicted

(defaults to None, in that case only elements in beamSetDispRes are displayed)
  • caption – caption to display (defaults to ‘attributeName + itemToDisp’)
  • fileName – file to dump the display (defaults to screen display)
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayBlocks(setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None)

Display the blocks (points, lines, surfaces and volumes) of the set.

  • setToDisplay – set to display.
  • caption – title of the graphic.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
displayDiagram(component, setToDispRes, setDisp, caption, scaleFactor=1.0, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, orientScbar=1, titleScbar=None)

Auxiliary function to display results on linear elements.

  • attributeName – attribute name(e.g. ‘ULS_normalStressesResistance’)
  • component – result item to display (e.g. ‘N’, ‘My’, …)
  • setToDispRes – set of linear elements to which display results
  • setToDisplay – set of elements (any type) to be depicted
  • scaleFactor – factor of scale to apply to the auto-scaled display (defaults to 1)
  • caption – caption to display
  • fileName – file to dump the display
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • orientScbar – orientation of the scalar bar (defaults to 1-horiz)
  • titleScbar – title for the scalar bar (defaults to None)
displayDispRot(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

displays the component of the displacement or rotations in the set of entities.

  • itemToDisp – component of the displacement (‘uX’, ‘uY’ or ‘uZ’) or the rotation (‘rotX’, rotY’, ‘rotZ’) to be depicted
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayEigenResult(eigenMode, setToDisplay=None, accelMode=None, caption='', fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Display the deformed shape and/or the equivalent static forces associated with the eigenvibration mode passed as parameter.

  • eigenMode – eigenvibration mode to be displayed
  • setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
  • accelMode – acceleration associated with the eigen mode depicted, only used if the equivalent static loads are to be displayed.
  • caption – text to display in the graphic
  • fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.
  • defFScale – factor to apply to deformed shape so that the displayed position of each node equals to the initial position plus its eigenVector multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0 i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayEigenvectors(mode=1, setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Displays the computed eigenvectors on the set argument.

  • setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
  • mode – mode to which the eigenvectors belong.
  • caption – text to display in the graphic. Defaults to ` None` in this case the text is the load case description and the units of the loads.
  • fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.,
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayEigenvectorsOnSets(eigenMode, setsToDisplay, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

displays the reactions as vector on affected nodes

  • eigenMode – mode to which the eigenvectors belong.
  • setsToDisplay – sets to display on batch mode.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayElementValueDiagram(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

displays the a displacement (uX,uY,…) or a property defined in nodes as a diagram over lines.

  • itemToDisp – item to display (uX,uY,…).
  • setToDisplay – set of entities (elements of type beam) to be represented
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayFEMesh(setsToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Display the mesh (nodes, elements and constraints) of the set.

  • setsToDisplay – list of sets to display (defaults to TotalSet).
  • caption – title of the graphic.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayField(limitStateLabel, section, argument, component, setToDisplay, fileName, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)
Display a field defined over bi-dimensional elements in its two
  • limitStateLabel – label that identifies the limit state.
  • section – section to display (1 or 2 or None if the value is not section dependent).
  • argument – name of the control var to represent.
  • component – component of the control var to represent.
  • setToDisplay – represent the field over those elements.
  • fileName – file name to store the image. If none -> window on screen.
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayFieldDirs1and2(limitStateLabel, argument, component, setToDisplay, fileName, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)
Display a field defined over bi-dimensional elements in its two
  • limitStateLabel – label that identifies the limit state.
  • argument – name of the control var to represent.
  • component – component of the control var to represent.
  • setToDisplay – represent the field over those elements.
  • fileName – file name to store the image. If none -> window on screen.
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayIntForc(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

displays the component of internal forces in the set of entities as a scalar field (i.e. appropiated for 2D elements; shells…).

  • itemToDisp – component of the internal forces (‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘N12’, ‘M1’, ‘M2’, ‘M12’, ‘Q1’, ‘Q2’) to be depicted
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented (default to all entities)
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayIntForcDiag(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, orientScbar=1, titleScbar=None)
displays the component of internal forces in the set of entities as a
diagram over lines (i.e. appropiated for beam elements).
  • itemToDisp – component of the internal forces (‘N’, ‘Qy’ (or ‘Vy’), ‘Qz’ (or ‘Vz’), ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘T’) to be depicted
  • setToDisplay – set of entities (elements of type beam) to be represented
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • orientScbar – orientation of the scalar bar (defaults to 1-horiz)
  • titleScbar – title for the scalar bar (defaults to None)
displayLoadVectors(setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Displays load vectors on the set argument.

  • setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
  • caption – text to display in the graphic. Defaults to ` None` in this case the text is the load case description and the units of the loads.
  • fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.,
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayLoads(setToDisplay=None, elLoadComp='xyzComponents', fUnitConv=1, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, scaleConstr=0.2)

Display the loads applied on beam elements and nodes for a given load case

Parameters:setToDisplay – set of beam elements to be represented (defaults to TotalSet)
:param elLoadComp:component of the linear loads on elements to be
depicted [available components: ‘xyzComponents’ (default), ‘axialComponent’, ‘transComponent’, ‘transYComponent’, ‘transZComponent’]
  • fUnitConv – factor of conversion to be applied to the results (defaults to 1)
  • caption – caption for the graphic
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • scaleConstr – scale of SPConstraints symbols (defaults to 0.2)
displayLocalAxes(setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Display the local axes of the elements contained in the set.

  • setToDisplay – set to display.
  • caption – title of the graphic.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayNodeValueDiagram(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

displays the a displacement (uX,uY,…) or a property defined in nodes as a diagram over lines.

  • itemToDisp – item to display (uX,uY,…).
  • setToDisplay – set of entities (elements of type beam) to be represented
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayReactions(setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, inclInertia=False, reactionCheckTolerance=1e-07)

Display reactions.

  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).
  • reactionCheckTolerance – relative tolerance when checking reaction values.
displayReactionsOnSets(setsToDisplayReactions, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, inclInertia=False, reactionCheckTolerance=1e-07)

displays the reactions as vector on affected nodes

  • setsToDisplayReactions – ordered list of sets of nodes to display reactions on them.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).
  • reactionCheckTolerance – relative tolerance when checking reaction values.
displayScalarPropertyAtNodes(propToDisp, fUnitConv, unitDescription, captionText, setToDisplay, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

displays the scalar property defined at the nodes of the set.

  • propeToDisp – scalar property defined at nodes.
  • fUnitConv – conversion factor for units
  • unitDescription – unit(s) symbol(s)
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayStrains(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

displays the strains on the elements.

  • itemToDisp – component of the stress (‘eps_11’, ‘eps_22’…)
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayStresses(itemToDisp, setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

display the stresses on the elements.

  • itemToDisp – component of the stress (‘sigma_11’, ‘sigma_22’…)
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
displayStrongWeakAxis(setToDisplay=None, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Display the local axes of the elements contained in the set.

  • setToDisplay – set to display.
  • caption – title of the graphic.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayVonMisesStresses(vMisesCode='von_mises_stress', setToDisplay=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, rgMinMax=None)

display the stresses on the elements.

  • vMisesCode – string that will be passed to the element getValues method to retrieve the Von Mises stress. This may vary depending on the element type.
  • setToDisplay – set of entities to be represented.
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the field to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)

Return a suitable set of camera parameters if not already defined.

getCaptionText(itemToDisp, unitDescription, setToDisplay)

Return the text to use in the image caption.


Return the default camera parameters.


Set the camera parameters from the arguments.

Parameters:cameraParameters – CameraParameters object (see vtk_graphic_base) parameters that define the camera.
postprocess.output_handler.insertGrInTex(texFile, grFileNm, grWdt, capText, labl='')

Include a graphic in a LaTeX file.

  • texFile – laTex file where to include the graphics (e.g.:’text/report_loads.tex’)
  • grFileNm – name of the graphic file with path and without extension
  • grWdt – width to be applied to graphics
  • capText – text for the caption
  • labl – label

Output styles

Parameters used in the output routines.

class postprocess.output_styles.OutputStyle(cameraParameters=None, outputUnits=<postprocess.output_units.OutputUnits object>, constraintsScaleFactor=0.4, localAxesVectorScaleFactor=0.5, language=None)

Bases: object

Pararameters used in the output routines (graphics, etc.)

  • cameraParameters – camera position and orientation.
  • outputUnits – output units and unit conversion.
  • constraintsScaleFactor – scale factor to display DOF constraints.
  • localAxesVectorScaleFactor – scale factor to display local axes vectors.
  • reactionVectorScaleFactor – scale factor to display reactions.
  • eigenvectorScaleFactor – scale factor to display eigenvectors.
  • equivalentLoadVectorsScaleFactor – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation of equivalent loads on nodes. If vectorEqLoadScale equals 0, equivalent static loads are not represented. (defaults to 0.0 in which case only deformed shape is depicted)
  • loadVectorsScaleFactor – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation of element loads (defaults to 1).
  • loadDiagramsScaleFactor – scale factor to apply to the diagram display of element loads (defaults to 1).
  • showLoadsPushing – true if the vector ends in the loaded node (push the node).
  • multByElemAreaLoads – boolean value that must be True if we want to represent the total load on each element (=load multiplied by element area) and False if we are going to depict the value of the uniform load per unit area (defaults to False)
  • language – english, spanish, french
  • directionDescr – text list to identify each direction (as [‘vertical reinforcement’, ‘horizontal reinforcement’]).
Iver nodalLoadBarOrientation:

orientation of scale bar for nodal loads ‘H’ -> horizontal, ‘RV’ -> right-vertical ‘LV’ left-vertical


Return a dictionary with the caption texts to use in graphic output.


Return the description for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.


Return the symbol for the force units.


Return the description for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.


Return the symbol for the length units.


Return the symbol for the moment units.


Return the description for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.


Return the descrioption for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.

Return the pair (scale factor, description) for
the argument parameter.
Parameters:itemToDisp – item to display (uX, uY, N, Mz,…).

Output units

class postprocess.output_units.DisplacementUnits(lengthUnit=<postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair object>, planeAngleUnit=<postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair object>)

Bases: object

Units to use for the output of displacement magnitudes

  • lengthUnit – unit to express lengths.
  • planeAngleUnit – unit to express angles.
class postprocess.output_units.DynamicsUnits(forceUnit=<postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair object>, lengthUnit=<postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair object>, pressureUnit=<postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair object>)

Bases: object

Units to use for the output of forces

  • forceUnit – unit to express forces.
  • lengthUnit – unit to express lengths.

Return the symbol for the force units.


Return the symbol for the force units.


Return the symbol for the moment units.

class postprocess.output_units.OutputUnits(displacementUnits=<postprocess.output_units.DisplacementUnits object>, dynamicUnits=<postprocess.output_units.DynamicsUnits object>)

Bases: object

Units to use in output stuff (graphics, etc.)

  • displacementUnits – units for the displacements
  • dynamicUnits – units for the forces and moments

Return the description for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.


Return the symbol for the force unit.


Return the description for the force units.


Return the scale factor for the force units.


Return the symbol for the length unit.


Return the symbol for the moment unit.


Return the description for the displacement units.


Return the scale factor for the displacement units.


Return the description for the rotation units.


Return the scale factor for the rotation units.

class postprocess.output_units.UnitDefinitionPair(symbol, scaleFactor, quantity)

Bases: object

Text symbol describing the unit (kN,lb,N,m,mm,in, etc) and scale factor to apply to the results in order to obtain the desired output units (i.e.: N->kN scaleUnitsForce: 1e-3).

  • symbol – symbol of the unit
  • scaleFactor – scale factor to apply to the results in order to obtain the desired output units (i.e.: N->kN scaleUnitsForce: 1e-3).

Return the symbol between brackets.

Callback controls


Code to execute in every commit to check stress criterion (bars in plane problems).


Code to execute in every commit to check stress criterion (bars in 3D problems).

postprocess.callback_controls.fnControlMovComponent(recorder, obj, codeComponent, value)
postprocess.callback_controls.fnControlMovUVW(recorder, obj)
postprocess.callback_controls.fnControlMovs(recorder, obj)

Control variables

class postprocess.control_vars.AxialForceControlVars(idSection='nil', combName='nil', N=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.CFN

Axial force. Internal forces [N] for a combination.

Variables:idSection – section identifier
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.BiaxialBendingControlVars(idSection='nil', combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.UniaxialBendingControlVars

Biaxial bending. Normal stresses limit state variables. [CF,N,My,Mz].

Variables:Mz – bending moment about Z axis (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.CFN(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.N

Uniaxial tension or compression. Normal stresses limit state variables.

Variables:CF – capacity factor (efficiency) (defaults to -1.0; CF<1.0 -> Ok; CF>1.0 -> KO)

Return the capacity factor.

class postprocess.control_vars.CFNMy(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.NMy

Uniaxial bending. Normal stresses limit state variables.

Variables:CF – capacity factor (efficiency) (defaults to -1.0; CF<1.0 -> Ok; CF>1.0 -> KO)

Return the capacity factor.

class postprocess.control_vars.CFNMyMz(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.CFNMy

Biaxial bending. Normal stresses limit state variables. [CF,N,My,Mz].

Variables:Mz – bending moment about Z axis (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.CFVy(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, Vy=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ShVy

Uniaxial bending. Shear stresses limit state variables.

Variables:CF – capacity factor (efficiency) (defaults to -1.0; CF<1.0 -> Ok; CF>1.0 -> KO)

Return the capacity factor.

class postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase(combName='nil')

Bases: object

Base class for the control of variables (internal forces,
strains, stresses,…) calculated in the analysis.
Variables:combName – name of the load combination to deal with
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Return the capacity factor.


Return the object field names.

Parameters:parent – parent object name.

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)
getLaTeXString(eTag, factor=0.001)

Returns a string that we can insert in a LaTeX table.

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Return the string to import the module where the control var is defined.


Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.


Return a python sentence that can construct a clone of this object: kin of naïve serialization.

strElementProp(eTag, nmbProp)

Writes a string that will serve to read the element property from a file.

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • nmbProp – name of the element property
class postprocess.control_vars.CrackControlBaseVars(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0, steelStress=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.CFNMyMz

Biaxial bending. Cracking serviceability limit state variables.

Variables:steelStress – maximum stress in the reinforcement bars
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.CrackControlVars(idSection='nil', crackControlBaseVarsPos=None, crackControlBaseVarsNeg=None)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase

Cracking serviceability limit state control variables.

  • idSection – section identifier
  • crackControlVarsPos – Crack control in + face.
  • crackControlVarsNeg – Crack control in - face.

Return the capacity factor.


Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string. factor: factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)


Maximum internal axial force.


Maximum value for rebar stresses.


Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.FatigueControlBaseVars(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0, Vy=0.0, posSteelStress=0.0, negSteelStress=0.0, concreteStress=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.NMyMz

Biaxial bending. Fatigue limit state variables.

  • Vy – shear force parallel to Y axis.
  • posSteelStress – traction stress in rebars.
  • negSteelStress – compression stress in rebars.
  • concreteStress – compression stress in concrete.
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.FatigueControlVars(idSection='nil', controlBaseVars0=None, controlBaseVars1=None, concreteLimitStress=0.0, concreteBendingCF=-1.0, shearLimit=0.0, concreteShearCF=-1.0, Mu=0.0, Vu=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase

Fatigue limit state control variables.

  • idSection – section identifier
  • combName – name of the load combinations to deal with
  • state0 – Fatigue values (FatigueControlBaseVars) under permanent load.
  • state1 – Fatigue values (FatigueControlBaseVars) under fatigue load.
  • concreteLimitStress – limit for the concrete stress as specified in SIA 262(2013)
  • concreteBendingCF – concrete capacity factor under fatigue due to normal stresses.
  • shearLimit – limit for the shear force as sepecified in SIA 262(2013)
  • concreteShearCF – concrete capacity factor under fatigue due to shear forces.
  • Mu – ultimate bending moment
  • Vu – ultimate shear force

Returns maximun stress increment in rebars (absolute value).


Used in FatigueController.concreteLimitStress.


Returns minimum (max. compressive) concrete stress between loaded and unloaded states.


Returns stress increment in concrete.


Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns negative stress increment in rebars.


Returns positive stress increment in rebars.


Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.N(combName='nil', NN=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase

Uniaxial tension or compression. Internal force [N] for a combination.

Variables:N – axial force (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.NMy(combName='nil', N=0.0, My=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.N

Uniaxial bending. Internal forces [N,My] for a combination.

Variables:My – bending moment about Y axis (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.NMyMz(combName='nil', N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.NMy

Biaxial bending. Internal forces [N,My,Mz] for a combination.

Variables:Mz – bending moment about Z axis (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.RCCrackStraightControlVars(idSection=-1, combName='nil', CF=-1, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0, s_rmax=0.0, eps_sm=0.0, wk=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.NMyMz

Control variables for cracking serviacebility limit state verification when when considering a concrete stress-strain diagram that takes account of the effects of tension stiffening.

  • idSection – section identifier
  • s_rmax – maximum distance between cracks (otherwise a new crack could occur in-between
  • eps_sm – mean strain in the reinforcement when taking into account the effects of tension stiffening
  • wk – crack width

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.RCShearControlVars(idSection=-1, combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0, Mu=0.0, Vy=0.0, Vz=0.0, theta=0.0, Vcu=0.0, Vsu=0.0, Vu=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.BiaxialBendingControlVars

Control variables for shear limit state verification in reinforced concrete elements.

  • Mu – ultimate bending moment
  • Vy – shear force parallel to the y axis
  • Vz – shear force parallel to the z axis
  • theta – angle between the concrete compression struts and the beam axis
  • Vcu – Vcu component of the shear strength (defined in the codes)
  • Vsu – Vsu component of the shear strength (defined in the codes)
  • Vu – shear strength
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.SSBiaxialBendingControlVars(idSection='nil', combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0, Mz=0.0, Ncrd=0.0, McRdy=0.0, McRdz=0.0, MvRdz=0.0, MbRdz=0.0, chiLT=1.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.BiaxialBendingControlVars

Control variables for biaxial bending normal stresses LS verification en steel-shape elements.

  • Ncrd – design strength to axial compression
  • McRdy – design moment strength about Y (weak) axis
  • McRdz – design moment strength about Z (strong) axis
  • MvRdz – reduced design moment strength about Z (strong) axis for shear interaction
  • MbRdz – reduced design moment strength about Z (strong) axis for lateral-torsional bucking
  • chiLT – reduction factor for lateral-torsional buckling (defaults to 1)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.ShVy(combName='nil', Vy=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase

Shear along Y axis. Internal forces [Vy] for a combination.

  • combName – name of the load combinations to deal with
  • Vy – shear along Y axis (defaults to 0.0)
getAnsysStrings(eTag, axis, factor=0.001)

Returns a string to represent fields in ANSYS (R).

  • eTag – element identifier.
  • axis – section 1 or 2
  • factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.ShearYControlVars(idSection='nil', combName='nil', CF=-1.0, Vy=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.CFVy

Shear along Y axis. Limit state variables [CF,Vy].

Variables:idSection – section identifier

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.UniaxialBendingControlVars(idSection='nil', combName='nil', CF=-1.0, N=0.0, My=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.CFNMy

Uniaxial bending. Normal stresses limit state variables [CF,N,My].

Variables:idSection – section identifier

Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

class postprocess.control_vars.VonMisesControlVars(combName='nil', CF=-1.0, vm_stress=0.0)

Bases: postprocess.control_vars.ControlVarsBase

Von Mises stresses control vars.

  • von_mises_stress – Von Mises stress (defaults to 0.0)
  • CF – capacity factor (efficiency) (defaults to -1.0; CF<1.0 -> Ok; CF>1.0 -> KO)

Return the capacity factor.


Returns a string with the intermediate fields of the LaTeX string.

Parameters:factor – factor for units (default 1e-3 -> kN)

Returns a string for a ‘copy’ (kind of) constructor.

postprocess.control_vars.extrapolate_control_var(elemSet, propName, argument, initialValue=0.0)

Extrapolates element’s function values to the nodes.

  • elemSet – set of elements.
  • propName – name of the property that contains the control variables.
  • function – name of the function to call for each element.
  • argument – name of the control variable to extrapolate.
  • initialValue – initial value for the prop defined at the nodes.
postprocess.control_vars.getControlVarImportModuleStr(preprocessor, outputCfg, sections)

Return the string to import the module where the control var is defined.

  • preprocessor – preprocessor from FEA model.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed [defaults to ‘total’], append or not the results to the result file [defatults to ‘N’], generation or not of list file [defatults to ‘N’, …)
  • sections – names of the sections to write the output for.
postprocess.control_vars.writeControlVarsFromElements(preprocessor, outputFileName, outputCfg, sections)

Writes in file ‘outputFileName’ the control-variable values calculated for elements in set ‘setCalc’.

  • preprocessor – preprocessor from FEA model.
  • outputFileName – name of the files to write (.py and .tex)
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed [defaults to ‘total’], append or not the results to the result file [defatults to ‘N’], generation or not of list file [defatults to ‘N’, …)
  • sections – names of the sections to write the output for.
postprocess.control_vars.writeControlVarsFromElementsForAnsys(preprocessor, outputFileName, sectionName1, sectionName2)
  • preprocessor – preprocessor name
  • outputFileName – name of the output file containing tue results of the verification
postprocess.control_vars.writeControlVarsFromPhantomElements(preprocessor, outputFileName, outputCfg)
Writes in file ‘outputFileName’ the control-variable values calculated for
the RC elements in the phantom model.
  • preprocessor – preprocessor from FEA model.
  • outputFileName – name to the files (.py and .tex)
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Control variables definition


postprocess.def_vars_control.defEnvelopeVars(elems: Iterable[T_co], varNames: Iterable[T_co], initV=6.023e+23)

Define variables for generalizez stress control.

  • elems – nodes whose generalized stresses will be controlled.
  • varNames – variable names.
postprocess.def_vars_control.defSteelShapeElasticRangeElementParameters(e, shape)
postprocess.def_vars_control.defSteelShapeElasticRangeParametersForSet(elems, shape)
postprocess.def_vars_control.defVarControlMov(obj, code)

Define variables for movement control.

  • obj – obj whose movement will be controlled.
  • code – movement identifier.
postprocess.def_vars_control.defVarsControlMovModulus(nodes: Iterable[T_co])

Define variables for control of the movement modulus.

Parameters:nodes – nodes whose movement will be controlled.
postprocess.def_vars_control.defVarsControlMovs(nodes: Iterable[T_co], flags: Iterable[T_co])

Define variables for movement control.

  • nodes – nodes whose movement will be controlled.
  • flags – movement identifiers.

Define variables for stress control in 2D elasticity problems.


Defines properties to store extreme values of internal forces.

Parameters:elems – nodes whose generalized stresses will be controlled.

Defines properties to store extreme values of internal forces.

Parameters:elems – nodes whose generalized stresses will be controlled.
postprocess.def_vars_control.defVarsGeneralizedStressControl(elems, varDef: Iterable[T_co])

Define variables for generalizez stress control.

  • elems – elements whose generalized stresses will be controlled.
  • varDef – list of pairs of variable names and initial values to define as property on each element.

Update values for extreme values of internal forces.

Parameters:beamElem – finite element to update internal forces.

Update values for extreme values of internal forces in 2D elements.

Parameters:beamElem2D – finite element to update internal forces.

Update values for extreme values of internal forces in 2D elements.

Parameters:trussElem – finite element to update internal forces.


class postprocess.displayable_results.ResultDescription(attributeName, argument, description, units='')

Bases: object

class postprocess.displayable_results.ResultsDescriptionContainer(limitStateData, lst)

Bases: dict

Results to display as figures.

Variables:limitStateData – string defining limit state check label (something like “Fatigue” or “CrackControl”) and the name of the file that contains the results to display. :ivar lst: list of results descriptions.
display(tp, partToDisplay)

Calls TakePhoto object tp to display figures corresponding to part.

Parameters:partToDisplay – part of the model that will be displayed.

Returns the basic part of the output file names.


Builds a list of figures to display.

param: partToDisplay: part of the model wich will be displayed


Return the name of the LaTeX file to write a list explaining figures.


Return the name of the LaTeX file to write figures into.

Element section map

class postprocess.element_section_map.ElementSectionMap

Bases: dict

dictionary that stores a section name(s) for each element number. This way it defines a spatial distribution of the sections over the structure.

assign(elemSet, setRCSects)

Assigns the sections names to the elements of the set.

  • elemSet – set of elements that receive the section names property.
  • setRCSects – RC section definition, name, concrete type, rebar positions,…
propName = 'sectionName'
class postprocess.element_section_map.ElementSections(name, directions=[1, 2], gaussPoints=[1], elemSet=None)

Bases: object

This class defines the list of reinforced concrete sections that are
going to be associated to a set of elements in order to carry out the verifications of the limit states.
  • name – name given to the list of reinforced concrete sections
  • directions – list of the directions to consider for each integration point.
  • gaussPoints – list of the integration points to consider for each element.
  • lstRCSects

    list of reinforced concrete fiber-sections that will be associated to a set of elements in order to carry out their LS verifications. The items of the list are instances of the objects derived from RCSectionBase

    The sections are ordered by integration point and then by direction. For example for an element with three integration point and two directions the order is as follows:

    lstRCSects[0]= integration point 1, direction 1 lstRCSects[1]= integration point 1, direction 2 lstRCSects[2]= integration point 2, direction 1 lstRCSects[3]= integration point 2, direction 2 lstRCSects[4]= integration point 3, direction 1 lstRCSects[5]= integration point 3, direction 2

  • elemSet – set with the elements to which to assign the section (defaults to None).

Append the section argument to the container.

Parameters:RCSect – reinforced concrete section to append.
creaSingleSection(templateSection, direction, gaussPnt)

create a copy of the section argument for the gauss points and the direction arguments.


create the fiber sections that represent the material to be used for the checking on each integration point and/or each direction. These sections are also added to the attribute ‘lstRCSects’ that contains the list of sections.

class postprocess.element_section_map.RCMemberSection(name, templateSections, directions=[1], gaussPoints=[1, 2], elemSet=None)

Bases: postprocess.element_section_map.ElementSections

This class is an specialization of ElemenSections for rectangular sections. The items of the list are instances of the object RCRectangularSection


create the fiber sections that represent the reinforced concrete fiber section to be used for the checking on each integration point and/or each direction. These sections are also added to the attribute ‘lstRCSects’ that contains the list of sections.

class postprocess.element_section_map.RCSlabBeamSection(name, sectionDescr, concrType, reinfSteelType, depth, width=1.0, elemSet=None)

Bases: postprocess.element_section_map.setRCSections2SetElVerif

This class is used to define the variables that make up the two reinforced concrete sections that define the two reinforcement directions of a slab or the front and back ending sections of a beam element

  • sectionDescr – section description
  • concrType – type of concrete (e.g. EHE_materials.HA25)
  • reinfSteelType – type of reinforcement steel
  • depth – cross-section depth
  • width – cross-section width (defaults to 1.0)
  • dir1PositvRebarRows – layers of main rebars in direction 1 in the local positive face of the section (list of ReinfRow)
  • dir1NegatvRebarRows – layers of main rebars in direction 1 in the local negative face of the section (list of ReinfRow)
  • dir2PositvRebarRows – layers of main rebars in direction 2 in the local positive face of the section (list of ReinfRow)
  • dir2NegatvRebarRows – layers of main rebars in direction 2 in the local negative face of the section (list of ReinfRow)
  • dir1ShReinfY – instance of class ShearReinforcement that represents the Y shear reinforcement in section 1
  • dir1ShReinfZ – instance of class ShearReinforcement that represents the Z shear reinforcement in section 1
  • dir2ShReinfY – instance of class ShearReinforcement that represents the Y shear reinforcement in section 2
  • dir2ShReinfZ – instance of class ShearReinforcement that represents the Z shear reinforcement in section 2

create the fiber sections of type ‘RCRectangularSection’ that represent the reinforced concrete fiber section to be used for the checking on each integration point and/or each direction. These sections are also added to the attribute ‘lstRCSects’ that contains the list of sections.


Steel area in local negative face direction 1.


Steel area in local positive face direction 1.


Steel area in local negative face direction 2.


Steel area in local positive face direction 2.


list of bar diameter.


list of bar diameter in rows of the local negative face direction 1.


list of bar diameter in rows of the local positive face direction 1.


list of bar diameter in rows of the local negative face direction 2.


list of bar diameter in rows of the local positive face direction 2.

getElasticMembranePlateSection(preprocessor, reductionFactor=1.0)

Return an elastic membrane plate section material.

  • preprocessor – proprocessor for the finite element problem.
  • reductionFactor – factor that divides the concrete elastic modulus to simulate the effect of cracking, normally between 1.0 and 7.0.

list of number of bars in rows of the local negative face direction 1.


list of number of bars in rows of the local positive face direction 1.


list of number of bars in rows of the local negative face direction 2.


list of number of bars in rows of the local positive face direction 2.


get steel area. code=’As1+’ for direction 1, positive face code=’As1-‘ for direction 1, negative face code=’As2+’ for direction 2, positive face code=’As2-‘ for direction 2, negative face


list of distances between bars code=’s1+’ for direction 1, positive face code=’s1-‘ for direction 1, negative face code=’s2+’ for direction 2, positive face code=’s2-‘ for direction 2, negative face


list of distances between bars of rows in the local negative face direction 1.


list of distances between bars of rows the in local positive face direction 1.


list of distances between bars of rows in the local negative face direction 2.


list of distances between bars of rows in the local positive face direction 2.

getTemplateSection(posReb, negReb, YShReinf, ZShReinf)

Return the template section to use with createSingleSection method.

setShearReinfD1(nShReinfBranches, areaShReinfBranch, spacing)
setShearReinfD2(nShReinfBranches, areaShReinfBranch, spacing)
postprocess.element_section_map.loadMainRefPropertyIntoElements(elemSet, sectionContainer, code)

add to each element of the set the desired property (As1+,As1-,…,d1+,d1-,…).

class postprocess.element_section_map.setRCSections2SetElVerif(name, directions, gaussPoints, elemSet)

Bases: postprocess.element_section_map.ElementSections

This class is an specialization of ElemenSections for rectangular sections. The items of the list are instances of the object RCRectangularSection


Steel area in local negative face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

Steel area in local positive face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of bar diameter in rows of the local negative face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of bar diameter in rows of the local positive face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of number of bars in rows of the local negative face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of number of bars in rows of the local positive face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of distances between bars of rows in the local negative face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)

list of distances between bars of rows the in local positive face of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

Parameters:sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)
setShearReinf(sectNmb, nShReinfBranches, areaShReinfBranch, spacing)

sets parameters of the shear reinforcement of the simple section identified by the sectNmb

  • sectNmb – integer number identifying the section (1 correponds to the section stored in lstRCSects[0] …)
  • nShReinfBranches – number of shear reinforcing branches
  • areaShReinfBranch – area of the cross-section of each stirrup
  • spacing – spacing of the stirrups

Extrapolate elemement attributes

postprocess.extrapolate_elem_attr.average_on_nodes(preprocessor, touchedNodesTags, attributeName)

Divide by number of elements in the set that touch the node.

postprocess.extrapolate_elem_attr.create_attribute_at_nodes(xcSet, attributeName, initialValue)

Create an attribute on the nodes of the set passed as parameter. return tags of the affected nodes.

  • xcSet – nodes that will receive the attribute.
  • attributeName – name of the attribute to define.
  • initialValue – initial value to assign to the attribute.
postprocess.extrapolate_elem_attr.extrapolate_elem_data_to_nodes(elemSet, attributeName, function, argument=None, initialValue=0.0)

Extrapolate element’s function values to the nodes.

  • elemSet – set of elements.
  • attributeName – name of the property which will be defined at the nodes.
  • function – name of the method to call for each element.
  • argument – name of the argument for the function call function (optional).
  • initialValue – initial value for the attribute defined at the nodes.
postprocess.extrapolate_elem_attr.extrapolate_elem_function_attr(elemSet, attributeName, function, argument, initialValue=0.0)

Extrapolate element’s function values to the nodes.

  • elemSet – set of elements.
  • attributeName – name of the property which will be defined at the nodes.
  • function – name of the function to call for each element.
  • argument – name of the argument for the function call function (optional).
  • initialValue – initial value for the attribute defined at the nodes.
postprocess.extrapolate_elem_attr.flatten_attribute(elemSet, attributeName, treshold, limit)

Reduce higher values which hide attribute variation over the model.

  • elemSet – set of elements to deal with.
  • attributeName – attribute to be flattened.
  • treshold – starting value to apply flatten.
  • limit – limit

Figure collection

class postprocess.figure_collection.FigsCollectionPlotter

Bases: object

fUnits = '[kN/m]'
fieldFilesPath = 'reinforcement/results/'
graphicOutputPath = 'post_process/results/figures/'
latexOutputPath = 'post_process/results/'
mUnits = '[kN m/m]'
plotFatigue(preprocessor, partName, elemSetName)
plotFissurationFreq(preprocessor, partName, elemSetName)
plotFissurationQP(preprocessor, partName, elemSetName)
plotNormalStresses(preprocessor, partName, elemSetName)
plotShear(preprocessor, partName, elemSetName)
reinforcementText1 = 'Longitudinal reinforcement'
reinforcementText2 = 'Transverse reinforcement'
sUnits = '[MPa]'

Get reactions

Reactions on nodes.

class postprocess.get_reactions.Reactions(preprocessor, supportNodes, inclInertia=False)

Bases: object


Returns a dictionary with the reactions forces at the nodes. The key of the map is the node tag.


Returns a dictionary with the reactions moments at the nodes. The key of the map is the node tag.


Limit state data

Utilities for limit state checking.

class postprocess.limit_state_data.FatigueResistanceRCLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Reinforced concrete shear resistance limit state data.

check(reinfConcreteSections, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Checking of fatigue under fatigue combinations loads in ultimate limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

  • reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.FreqLoadsCrackControlRCLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Reinforced concrete crack control under frequent loads limit state data.

check(reinfConcreteSections, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)
Checking of crack width under frequent loads in serviceability limit states
(see self.dumpCombinations).
  • reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
  • outputCfg – instance of class VerifOutVars which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.FreqLoadsDisplacementControlLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Displacement control under frequent loads limit state data.


Checking of displacements under frequent loads in serviceability limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

Parameters:reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData(limitStateLabel, outputDataBaseFileName)

Bases: object

Data used when checking limit states.

  • label – limit state check label; Something like “Fatigue” or “CrackControl”.
  • outputDataBaseFileName – name (whithout extension) of the file that contains the results to display.

Create the internal forces and displacement output files.

envConfig = None

Return the file name to read: combination name, node number and displacements (ux,uy,uz,rotX,rotY,rotZ).

getInternalForcesDict(nmbComb, elems)

Creates a dictionary with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – combination name.
  • elems – element set.

Return the name of the file where internal forces are stored.


Return the time of last modification of the internal forces file.


Return the output file name without extension.


Return the Python executable file name.

getReactionsDict(nmbComb, constrainedNodes)

Creates a dictionary with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – combination name.
  • constrainedNodes – constrainedNodes.

Return the name of the file where reactions are stored.


Read a Python object from a pickle file.


Read the internal forces for the elements in the set argument.

Parameters:setCalc – elements to read internal forces for.

Read the reactions for the nodes in the set argument.

Parameters:nodeSet – nodes to read reactions for.
runChecking(outputCfg, sections=['Sect1', 'Sect2'])

This method reads, for the elements in setCalc, the internal forces previously calculated and saved in the corresponding file. Using the ‘initControlVars’ and ‘checkSetFromIntForcFile’ methods of the controller, the appropiate attributes are assigned to the elements and the associated limit state verification is run. The results are written to a file in order to be displayed or listed.

  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to the result file [defatults to ‘N’], generation or not of list file [defatults to ‘N’, …)
  • sections – names of the sections to write the output for.
saveAll(combContainer, setCalc, solutionProcedureType=<class 'solution.predefined_solutions.SimpleStaticLinear'>, lstSteelBeams=None, constrainedNodeSet=None)

Write internal forces, displacements, .., for each combination

  • setCalc – set of entities for which the verification is going to be performed
  • solutionProcedureType – type of the solution strategy to solve the finite element problem.
  • lstSteelBeams – list of steel beams to analyze (defaults to None)
  • constrainedNodeSet – constrained nodes (defaults to None)
writeDisplacements(combNm, nodSet)
Writes the resuls of displacements in a load combination
and set of nodes given as parameters
  • combNM – name of the load combination
  • nodSet – set of nodes

Write the internal forces results.

Parameters:internalForcesDict – dictionary containing the internal forces.

Write the reactions.

Parameters:reactionsDict – dictionary containing the reactions.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.NormalStressesRCLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Reinforced concrete normal stresses data for limit state checking.

check(reinfConcreteSections, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Checking of normal stresses in ultimate limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

  • reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.QPLoadsCrackControlRCLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Reinforced concrete crack control under quasi-permanent loads limit state data.

check(reinfConcreteSections, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Checking of crack width under quasi-permanent loads in serviceability limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

  • reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
  • outputCfg – instance of class VerifOutVars which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.ShearResistanceRCLimitStateData

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Reinforced concrete shear resistance limit state data.

check(reinfConcreteSections, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Checking of shear resistance in ultimate limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

  • reinfConcreteSections – Reinforced concrete sections on each element.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars(setCalc=None, appendToResFile='N', listFile='N', calcMeanCF='N', controller=None)

Bases: object

Variables that control the output of limit state verifications.

  • setCalc – set of elements to be checked (defaults to ‘None’ which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
  • appendToResFile – ‘Yes’,’Y’,’y’,.., if results are appended to existing file of results (defaults to ‘N’)
  • listFile – ‘Yes’,’Y’,’y’,.., if latex listing file of results is desired to be generated (defaults to ‘N’)
  • calcMeanCF – ‘Yes’,’Y’,’y’,.., if average capacity factor is meant to be calculated (defaults to ‘N’)
  • controller – object that controls the limit state checking.

Return the set of elements to be analyzed.

Parameters:preprocessor – pre-processor for the XC finite element problem.
runChecking(intForcCombFileName, outputDataBaseFileName, sections)

Launch checking.

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file to read the internal force results.
  • sections – names of the sections to write the output for.
class postprocess.limit_state_data.VonMisesStressLimitStateData(vonMisesStressId='max_von_mises_stress')

Bases: postprocess.limit_state_data.LimitStateData

Steel Von Mises stress limit state data.

check(elementsToCheck, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Checking of fatigue under fatigue combinations loads in ultimate limit states (see self.dumpCombinations).

  • elementsToCheck – elements to check.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)
dumpCombinations(combContainer, loadCombinations)

Load into the solver the combinations needed for this limit state.

  • combContainer – container with the definition of the different combination families (ULS, fatigue, SLS,…) see actions/combinations module.
  • loadCombinations – load combination handler inside the XC solver.
getInternalForcesDict(nmbComb, elems)

Creates a dictionary with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – combination name.
  • elems – element set.

Read the internal forces for the elements in the set argument.

Parameters:setCalc – elements to read internal forces for.

This method reads, for the elements in setCalc, the internal forces previously calculated and saved in the corresponding file. Using the ‘initControlVars’ and ‘checkSetFromIntForcFile’ methods of the controller, the appropiate attributes are assigned to the elements and the associated limit state verification is run. The results are written to a file in order to be displayed or listed.

Parameters:outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to the result file [defatults to ‘N’], generation or not of list file [defatults to ‘N’, …)
postprocess.limit_state_data.calc_max_compression_axial_forces(setCalc, intForcCombFileName, outputFileName)

Calculate maximum compression forces for the elements included in setCalc among the load combinations for which internal-force results are stored in intForcCombFileName. The maximum tension forces calculated are written to outputFileName file.

Parameters:setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed.
postprocess.limit_state_data.calc_max_tension_axial_forces(setCalc, intForcCombFileName, outputFileName)

Calculate maximum tension forces for the elements included in setCalc among the load combinations for which internal-force results are stored in intForcCombFileName. The maximum tension forces calculated are written to outputFileName file.

Parameters:setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed.
postprocess.limit_state_data.oldReadIntForcesFile(intForcCombFileName, setCalc=None)

Extracts element and combination identifiers from the internal forces listing file. Return elementTags, idCombs and internal-forces values

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed
  • setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed (defaults to None which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
postprocess.limit_state_data.readIntForcesDict(intForcCombFileName, setCalc=None, vonMisesStressId='max_von_mises_stress')

Extracts element and combination identifiers from the internal forces JSON file. Return elementTags, idCombs and internal-forces values

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed
  • setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed (defaults to None which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
  • vonMisesStressId – identifier of the Von Mises stress to read (see NDMaterial and MembranePlateFiberSection).
postprocess.limit_state_data.readIntForcesFile(intForcCombFileName, setCalc=None, vonMisesStressId='max_von_mises_stress')

Extracts element and combination identifiers from the internal forces listing file. Return elementTags, idCombs and internal-forces values

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed
  • setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed (defaults to None which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
  • vonMisesStressId – identifier of the Von Mises stress to read (see NDMaterial and MembranePlateFiberSection).
postprocess.limit_state_data.string_el_max_axial_force(element, section, setName, combName, axialForc)

MEDMEM to XC variables

Phantom model

class postprocess.phantom_model.PhantomModel(preprocessor, sectionDistribution)

Bases: object

Model made of ZeroLengthSection elements that is used only for checking limit states i.e. for reinforced concrete sections.

This kind of phantom model is needed when the model that we use to check limit states is different from the model that we use for the analysis. A typical example:

  • The internal forces under different load combinations are obtained using a linear elastic model for the materials.
  • A “phantom model” with a more realistic representation of the cross sections (fiber models,…) is used for limit state checking at cross section level (crack control, shear,…).
build(intForcCombFileName, outputCfg)

Builds the phantom model from the data read from the file.

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the forces and bending moments obtained for each element for all the combinations analyzed
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Runs the analysis (linear) and checking of combinations passed as parameters

  • elements – elements to check
  • controller – object that controls limit state in elements.
createElements(intForcCombFileName, outputCfg)

Creates the phantom model elements from the data read on the file.

  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Creates the loads from the data read from the file.

Parameters:intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the forces and bending moments obtained for each element for all the combinations analyzed.
createPhantomElement(idElem, sectionName, sectionDefinition, sectionIndex, interactionDiagram, fakeSection)

Creates a phantom element (that represents a section to check)

  • idElem – identifier of the element in the “true” model associated with the phantom element to be created.
  • sectionName – name of the 3D fiber section to create the zero-length phantom element (default material)
  • idSection – name of the section assigned to the phantom element (the section to check) -sectionName-.
  • sectionIndex – index of the section in the “true” model element -sectionIndex-. To be renamed as sectionIndex.
  • interactionDiagram – interaction diagram that corresponds to the section to check.
  • fakeSection – if True (default value) generates a fake section of type ‘xc.ElasticShearSection3d’, if False, generates a true fiber model of the section (xc.FiberSectionShear3d)
runChecking(limitStateData, outputCfg)

Run the analysis, check the results and write them into a file

  • limitStateData – object that contains the name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed and the controller to use for the checking.
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)
setupForElementsAndCombinations(intForcCombFileName, setCalc=None)
Extracts element and combination identifiers from the internal
forces listing file.
  • intForcCombFileName – name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed
  • setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed (defaults to None which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
write(outputFileName, outputCfg)

Writes results into the output file

  • controller – object that controls limit state in elements
  • outputFileName – base name of output file (extensions .py and .tex)
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Statistics propeties

postprocess.prop_statistics.getItemWithMaxProp(iterable, attrName, argv='')

Return item wich maximizes property named as indicated in attrName

postprocess.prop_statistics.getItemWithMinProp(iterable, attrName, argv='')

Return item wich minimizes property named as indicated in attrName

postprocess.prop_statistics.rec_getattr(obj, attr, argv='')

Get object’s attribute. May use dot notation.

>>> class C(object): pass
>>> a = C()
>>> a.b = C()
>>> a.b.c = 4
>>> rec_getattr(a, 'b.c')
postprocess.prop_statistics.rec_setattr(obj, attr, value)

Set object’s attribute. May use dot notation.

>>> class C(object): pass
>>> a = C()
>>> a.b = C()
>>> a.b.c = 4
>>> rec_setattr(a, 'b.c', 2)
>>> a.b.c

RC material distribution

class postprocess.RC_material_distribution.RCMaterialDistribution

Bases: object

Spatial distribution of reinforced concrete material (RC sections
distribution over the elements).

It refers to the reinforced concrete sections associated with the element (i.e. for shell elements we typically define two RC sections, one for each main direction; in the case of beam elements the most common way is to define RC sections in the front and back ends of the elements)

  • sectionDefinition – Container with the section definitions (see RC_sections_container module).
  • sectionDistribution – dictionary that stores a section name(s) for each element number. This way it defines a spatial distribution of the sections over the elements.
  • elementSetNames – list of element sets with an assigned section.
assign(elemSet, setRCSects)

Assigns the sections names to the elements of the set.

  • elemSet – set of elements that receive the section name property.
  • setRCSects – RC section definition, name, concrete type, rebar positions,…

Writes this object in a pickle file.


Returns an XC set that contains all the elements with an assigned section.


Returns the section definition which has the name being passed as a parameter.


Returns the section names for the element which tag is being passed as a parameter.


Returns the section names for the element which tag is being passed as a parameter.

internalForcesVerification2D(limitStateData, matDiagType, setCalc=None)

Limit state verification based on internal force (Fx,Fy,Mz) values.

  • limitStateData – object that contains the name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed and the controller to use for the checking.
  • matDiagType – type of the material diagram (d: design, k: characteristic).
  • setCalc – set of elements to be analyzed (defaults to None which means that all the elements in the file of internal forces results are analyzed)
internalForcesVerification3D(limitStateData, matDiagType, outputCfg)

Limit state verification based on internal force (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz) values.

  • limitStateData – object that contains the name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed and the controller to use for the checking.
  • matDiagType – type of the material diagram (d: design, k: characteristic).
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Reads this object from a pickle file.

mapSectionsFileName = './mapSectionsReinforcement.pkl'
runChecking(limitStateData, matDiagType, threeDim=True, outputCfg=<postprocess.limit_state_data.VerifOutVars object>)

Creates the phantom model and runs the verification on it.

  • limitStateData – object that contains the name of the file containing the internal forces obtained for each element for the combinations analyzed and the controller to use for the checking.
  • matDiagType – type of the material diagram (d: design, k: characteristic).
  • threeDim – true if it’s 3D (Fx,Fy,Fz,Mx,My,Mz) false if it’s 2D (Fx,Fy,Mz).
  • outputCfg – instance of class ‘VerifOutVars’ which defines the variables that control the output of the checking (set of elements to be analyzed, append or not the results to a file, generation or not of lists, …)

Load the reinforced concrete sections on each element from file.


postprocess.recorders.installNodeDisplacementRecorder(recorderName, nodeSet)

Utils display

class postprocess.utils_display.FigureBase(pLabel, limitStateLabel, figDescr, reinfDescr=None, units=None, sz='90mm')

Bases: object

insertIntoLatex(fichLatexFigs, fichLatexList, fichFig, labelText)
  • fichLatexFigs – latex file to insert graphic into
  • fichFig – name of the file that contains the graphic (complete path without extension).
class postprocess.utils_display.FigureDefinition(pLabel, limitStateLabel, attrName, argument, figDescr, reinfDescr=None, units=None, sz='90mm')

Bases: postprocess.utils_display.SlideDefinition


Define field.

genGraphicFile(displaySettings, xcSet, graphFileName, convertToEPS=False)

Create a graphic file.

  • displaySettings – variables that define the ouput device.
  • xcSet – set to display.
  • graphFileName – name of the graphic file.
  • convertToEPS – if true use ImageMagick convert to create a postrscript file.
class postprocess.utils_display.PartToDisplay(partName, surfaceList, reinforcementLabels)

Bases: object

display(preprocessor, tp, resultsToDisplay)

Generate an image for every result to display

Parameters:resultToDisplay – collection of results to be displayed.

Returns a list of the elements of this part.

class postprocess.utils_display.PartToDisplayContainer(lst)

Bases: dict

Parts to display in figures…

display(preprocessor, tp, resultsToDisplay)

Display results for each part.

Parameters:resultToDisplay – collection of results to be displayed.
class postprocess.utils_display.SlideDefinition(pLabel, limitStateLabel, figDescr, reinfDescr=None, units=None, sz='90mm')

Bases: postprocess.utils_display.FigureBase

Slide definition.

  • field – field to display in the slide.
  • diagrams – list of diagrams to display in the slide.
genGraphicFile(displaySettings, xcSet, graphFileName, convertToEPS=False)

Create a graphic file.

  • displaySettings – variables that define the ouput device.
  • xcSet – set to display.
  • graphFileName – name of the graphic file.
  • convertToEPS – if true use ImageMagick convert to create a postrscript file.

Call addDiagram on each diagram of the list.

class postprocess.utils_display.TakePhotos(xcSet)

Bases: object

Generation of bitmaps with analysis and design results.

displayFigures(figDefinitionList, LatexFigsFilename, LatexListFilename)

Creates graphics files from figure definition list.

  • nmbLstIss – name of the lists that contains the results to display.
  • LatexFilename – name of the LaTeX file to write the graphics on.
insertFigureLatex(figDef, conta, fichFig, labelText)
  • fichLatexFigs – latex file to insert graphic into
  • fichFig – name of the file that contains the graphic (complete path without extension).
plotFigures(preprocessor, figDefinitionList, LatexFigsFilename, LatexListFilename)
postprocess.utils_display.convert_to_eps(fileName, epsFileName)

Uses ImageMagick convert command to create a postcript file.

  • fileName – name of the graphic file to convert.
  • epsFileName – postscript file to create.
postprocess.utils_display.plotStressStrainFibSet(fiberSet, title, fileName=None, nContours=100, pointSize=50, fiberShape='o')

Represents graphically the cross-section current stresses and strains. The graphics are generated by a triangulation from the x,y coordinates of the fibers.

  • fiberSet – set of fibers to be represented
  • title – general title for the graphic
  • fileName – name of the graphic file (defaults to None: no file generated)
  • nContours – number of contours to be generated (defaults to 100). If nContours=0 or nContours=None, then each fiber is represented by a makred.
  • pointSize – size of the circles to represent each of the fibers in the set in the case that nContours=0 or nContours=None (defaults to 50)
  • fiberShape – marker to represent each fiber, in case nContours = 0 or None.e.g.: “o”->circle, “s”->square, “p”->pentagon (defaults to circle)
class postprocess.utils_display.setToDisplay(elSet, genDescr='', sectDescr=[])

Bases: object

Defines the description of a set of elements to be used in the graphics and reports associated with the calculation

  • elSet – set of elements
  • genDescr – general description
  • sectDescr – ordered list with the descriptions that apply to each of the sections that configures the element.