Generation of boundary conditions based on springs¶
(wModulus, cRoz, noTensionZ=False)¶ Bases:
Region resting on springs (Winkler elastic foundation)
Variables: - wModulus – Winkler modulus of the foundation (springs in Z direction)
- cRoz – fraction of the Winkler modulus to apply for friction in the contact plane (springs in X, Y directions)
- noTensionZ – if True springs in Z direction are made of no-tension material (defaults to None)
()¶ Foundation pressures over the soil. Calculates pressures and forces in the free nodes of the springs (those that belongs to both the spring and the foundation) and stores these values as properties of those nodes: property ‘soilPressure:’ [xStress,yStress,zStress] property ‘soilReaction:’ [xForce,yForce,zForce]
(preprocessor, name)¶
(FEcase, combs, caption, fUnitConv, unitDescription, rgMinMax=None, fileName=None)¶ Calculate and display the maximum earth pressures (Z direction) obtained from the group of load combinations passed as paremeter.
Parameters: - FEcase – finite element problem
- combs – load cases to analyze and compare to obtain the maximum pressures.
- caption – caption text to diaplay.
- fUnitConv – factor to apply to results (unit conversion)
- unitDescription – text to display as unit description.
- rgMinMax – range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)
- fileName – file name (defaults to None -> screen display)
(caption, fUnitConv, unitDescription, rgMinMax=None, fileName=None)¶ Display foundation pressures for a single load case. :param rgMinMax: range (vmin,vmax) with the maximum and minimum values
of the scalar field (if any) to be represented. All the values less than vmin are displayed in blue and those greater than vmax in red (defaults to None)Parameters: fileName – file name (defaults to None -> screen display)
(xcSet)¶ Creates the springs at the nodes of the xcSet given as parameter.
()¶ Returns the geometric baricenter of the springs.
(setPile, pileDiam, E, pileType, pileBearingCapacity, groundLevel, soilsProp)¶ Bases:
Pile foundation model according to art. 5.13.1 (single pile) and art. 5.13.3. (pile group) of «Guía de cimentaciones para obras de carretera», by «Ministerio de Fomento».
Variables: - pileSet – set of elements defining a single pile
- pileDiam – diameter of the pile
- pileType – “endBearing” for end bearing piles “friction” for friction piles
- groundLevel – ground elevation
- soilsProp –
properties of the levels of soil, defined from top to bottom as a list: - [[zBottomSoil,typeSoil,propSoil], …] where, ‘zBottomSoil’ is the global Z coordinate of the bottom level of the soil, -‘typeSoil’ is the type od soil: ‘sandy’ or ‘clay’ -‘propSoil’ is the property of the soil:
- -‘nh’ for sandy soil, corresponding to the
- compactness of the sandy soil.
- -‘su’ for clay soil, corresponding to the
- shear strength of the saturated cohesive soil.
Ival E: elastic modulus of pile material
Ival pileBearingCapacity: total bearing capacity (skin friction + point bearing capacity ) of the pile.
(alphaKh_x, alphaKh_y, alphaKv_z)¶ Generate the springs that simulate the soils along the pile
Parameters: - alphaKh_x – coefficient to be applied to the horizontal stiffness of a single pile in X direction
- alphaKh_y – coefficient to be applied to the horizontal stiffness of a single pile in Y direction
- alphaKh_Z – coefficient to be applied to the vertical stiffness of a single pile in Z direction
()¶ Return the cross-sectional area of the cylindrical pile
()¶ Return the calculation length for a single pile
()¶ Return the calculation length for a single end bearing pile
()¶ Return the calculation length for a single friction pile
()¶ Return the length of pile above the ground surface
()¶ Return the length of pile below the ground surface
()¶ Return the vertical stiffness of a single pile
(name, modelSpace, Kx=0, Ky=0, Kz=0)¶ Bases:
Spring to be used as boundary condition
Variables: -
(lst3DPos)¶ create springs in the nearest nodes to the coordinates in the list of 3D positions given as parameter
(setEnt)¶ create springs in all the nodes included in the set of entities given as parameter
(Nodelist)¶ create spring boundary conditions in the nodes included in the list of nodes passed as parameter.
(setEnt)¶ create springs in all the points included in the set of entities given as parameter
()¶ create the spring materials in X, Y, Z directions. If there is no spring in any of these directions, its corresponding material is equal to None