
Common formats

Export displacements

Export internal forces

postprocess.reports.export_internal_forces.exportBeamInternalForces(nmbComb, elems, fName)

Writes a comma separated values file with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – name of the load combination.
  • elems – finite elements to export internal forces from.
postprocess.reports.export_internal_forces.exportInternalForces(nmbComb, elems, fDesc)

Writes a comma separated values file with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – combination name.
  • elems – element set.
  • fDesc – file descriptor to write internal forces on.
postprocess.reports.export_internal_forces.exportShellInternalForces(nmbComb, elems, fDesc, fConv=1.0)

Writes a comma separated values file with the element’s internal forces.

postprocess.reports.export_internal_forces.exportaEsfuerzosShellSet(preprocessor, nmbComb, st, fName)

Writes a comma separated values file with the element’s internal forces.

postprocess.reports.export_internal_forces.getInternalForcesDict(nmbComb, elems, vonMisesStressId='max_von_mises_stress')

Creates a dictionary with the element’s internal forces.

  • nmbComb – combination name.
  • elems – element set.
  • vonMisesStressId – identifier of the Von Mises stress to read (see NDMaterial and MembranePlateFiberSection).

Graphical reports

class postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.LoadCaseDispParameters(loadCaseName, loadCaseDescr, loadCaseExpr, setsToDispLoads, setsToDispDspRot, setsToDispIntForc)

Bases: postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.RecordDisp

Parameters for the generation of graphic files and adding to
report-tex files for a load case
  • loadCaseName – name of the load case to be depicted
  • loadCaseDescr – description text of the load case
  • loadCaseExpr – mathematical expression to define the load case (ex: ‘1.0*GselfWeight+1.0*DeadLoad’)
getCaptionText(setDescr, unitsDescr, captTexts=None)

Return the caption text.

  • setDescr – set description.
  • unitsDescr – units description.
  • captTexts – text describing the internal force…
loadReports(FEcase, texFile, cfg)

Creates the graphics files of loads for the load case and insert them in a LaTex file

  • FEcase – finite element problem
  • texFile – laTex file where to include the graphics (e.g.:’text/report_loads.tex’)
  • cfg – instance of EnvConfig class with config parameters
simplLCReports(FEproblem, texFile, cfg)
Creates the graphics files of displacements and internal forces
calculated for a simple load case and insert them in a LaTex file
  • FEproblem – finite element problem
  • texFile – laTex file where to include the graphics (e.g.:’text/report_loads.tex’)
  • cfg – instance of EnvConfig class with config parameters

Solve load case

writeLoadReport(modelSpace, texFile, cfg)

Creates the graphics files of loads for the load case and insert them in a LaTex file

  • modelSpace – model space object (see
  • texFile – laTex file where to include the graphics (e.g.:’text/report_loads.tex’)
  • cfg – instance of EnvConfig class with config parameters
writeSimpleLoadCaseReport(modelSpace, texFile, cfg)
Creates the graphics files of displacements and internal forces
calculated for a simple load case and insert them in a LaTex file
  • modelSpace – model space object (see
  • texFile – laTex file where to include the graphics (e.g.:’text/report_loads.tex’)
  • cfg – instance of EnvConfig class with config parameters
class postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.OuputUnits

Bases: object

Unit for the generation of graphic files report files.

  • unitsScaleLoads – factor to apply to loads if we want to change the units (defaults to 1).
  • unitsLoads – text to especify the units in which loads are represented (defaults to ‘units:[m,kN]’)
  • vectorScaleLoads – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation of element loads (defaults to 1).
  • vectorScalePointLoads – factor to apply to the vectors length in the representation of nodal loads (defaults to 1).
  • unitsScaleDispl – factor to apply to displacements if we want to change the units (defaults to 1).
  • unitsDispl – text to especify the units in which displacements are represented (defaults to ‘[m]’
  • scaleDispBeamIntForc – tuple (escN,escQ,escM) correponding to the scales to apply to displays of, respectively, axial forces (N), shear forces (Q) or bending moments (M) in beam elements (defaults to (1.0,1.0,1.0))
  • scaleDispReactions – tuple (escN,escM) correponding to the scales to apply to displays of, respectively, forces (F) or moments (M) in nodal reactions (defaults to (1.0,1.0))
  • scaleDispEigenvectors – tuple (escN,escM) correponding to the scales to apply to displays of eigenvectors (defaults to (1.0,1.0))
  • unitsScaleForc – factor to apply to internal forces if we want to change the units (defaults to 1).
  • unitsForc – text to especify the units in which forces are represented (defaults to ‘[kN/m]’)
  • unitsScaleMom – factor to apply to internal moments if we want to change the units (defaults to 1).
  • unitsMom – text to especify the units in which bending moments are represented (defaults to ‘[kN.m/m]’)
class postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.RecordDisp(setsToDispLoads=None, setsToDispDspRot=None, setsToDispIntForc=None)

Bases: postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.OuputUnits

Generation of graphic displays

  • setsToDispLoads – ordered list of sets of elements to display loads
  • setsToDispBeamLoads – ordered list of sets of beam elements to display loads (defaults to [])
  • compElLoad – component of load on beam elements to be represented available components: ‘axialComponent’, ‘transComponent’, ‘transYComponent’,’transZComponent’ (defaults to ‘transComponent’)
  • multByElemAreaLoads – boolean value that must be True if we want to represent the total load on each element (=load multiplied by element area) and False if we are going to depict the value of the uniform load per unit area (defaults to False)
  • listDspRot – ordered list of displacement or rotations to be displayed available components: ‘uX’, ‘uY’, ‘uZ’, ‘rotX’, rotY’, ‘rotZ’ (defaults to [‘uX’, ‘uY’, ‘uZ’])
  • setsToDispDspRot – ordered list of sets of elements to display displacements or rotations
  • listIntForc – ordered list of internal forces to be displayed as scalar field over «shell» elements available components: ‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘M1’, ‘M2’, ‘Q1’, ‘Q2’ (defaults to [‘N1’, ‘N2’, ‘M1’, ‘M2’, ‘Q1’, ‘Q2’])
  • setsToDispIntForc – ordered list of sets of elements (of type «shell») to display internal forces
  • listBeamIntForc – ordered list of internal forces to be displayed as diagrams on lines for «beam» elements available components: ‘N’, ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘Qy’, ‘Qz’,’T’ (defaults to [‘N’, ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘Qy’, ‘Qz’,’T’])
  • setsToDispBeamIntForc – ordered list of sets of elements (of type «beam») to display internal forces (defaults to [])
  • setsToDispReactions – ordered list of sets of nodes to display reactions (defaults to [])
  • cameraParameters – parameters that define the camera position, zoom, etc.
  • cameraParametersForBeams – parameters that define the camera position, zoom, etc for displaying beam elements.
dispLoadCaseBeamEl(setToDisplay, caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Display the loads applied on beam elements and nodes for a given load case

  • setToDisplay – set of beam elements to be represented
  • caption – caption for the graphic
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
Displays the component of the displacement or rotations
on the set argument.
  • setToDisplay – set of elements to be displayed (defaults to total set)
  • fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.,
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayEigenvectorsOnSets(eigenMode, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

displays the reactions as vector on affected nodes

  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayIntForcDiag(itemToDisp, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, orientScbar=1, titleScbar=None)
displays the component of internal forces as a
diagram over lines (i.e. appropiated for beam elements).
  • itemToDisp – component of the internal forces (‘N’, ‘Qy’ (or ‘Vy’), ‘Qz’ (or ‘Vz’), ‘My’, ‘Mz’, ‘T’) to be depicted
  • unitDescription – string like ‘[kN/m] or [kN m/m]’
  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • orientScbar – orientation of the scalar bar (defaults to 1-horiz)
  • titleScbar – title for the scalar bar (defaults to None)
displayLoadOnSets(caption=None, fileName=None, defFScale=0.0)

Displays load vectors for each of the sets in self.setsToDispLoads

  • caption – text to display in the graphic. Defaults to ` None` in this case the text is the load case description and the units of the loads.
  • fileName – full name of the graphic file to generate. Defaults to ` None`, in this case it returns a console output graphic.,
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
displayReactionsOnSets(fileName=None, defFScale=0.0, inclInertia=False, reactionCheckTolerance=1e-07)

displays the reactions as vector on affected nodes

  • fileName – name of the file to plot the graphic. Defaults to None, in that case an screen display is generated
  • defFScale – factor to apply to current displacement of nodes so that the display position of each node equals to the initial position plus its displacement multiplied by this factor. (Defaults to 0.0, i.e. display of initial/undeformed shape)
  • inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).
  • reactionCheckTolerance – relative tolerance when checking reaction values.

Return an output handler from the set argument. NOT a very elegant solution-> to refactor.


Return the text to label the figures removing spaces and strange chars from the input.

postprocess.reports.graphical_reports.getLoadCaseDispParametersFromLoadPattern(loadPattern, modelSpace=None, unitsScaleLoads=0.001, unitsScaleDispl=0.001, setsToDispLoads=None, setsToDispDspRot=None, setsToDispIntForc=None)

Matplotlib grahics of_material diagrams

class postprocess.reports.graph_material.InteractionDiagram3DGraphic(intDiagram3D, axialForceScaleFactor=0.1, title='Interaction diagram.', fUnitConv=0.001, coloredBy=0)

Bases: object


Show the 3D diagram in the screen.

class postprocess.reports.graph_material.InteractionDiagramGraphic(title)

Bases: postprocess.reports.graph_material.MPLGraphic

Matplotlib grahic of a interaction diagram

setupGraphic(diag, internalForces=None)
class postprocess.reports.graph_material.MPLGraphic(title)

Bases: object

Matplotlib grahic

class postprocess.reports.graph_material.MPLGraphicDecorations(title)

Bases: object

Matplotlib graphic decorations (title, labels,…)

class postprocess.reports.graph_material.UniaxialMaterialDiagramGraphic(epsMin, epsMax, title)

Bases: object


Abcissae for the diagram

savefig(plt, fileName)
setupGraphic(plt, materialDiagram)

Reports of cable capacity

postprocess.reports.list_cable_capacity.listTieStrength(preprocessor, setName, fName, titulo)

Prints the normal stresses check results in elastic domain for a set of elements that represent a tie.

postprocess.reports.list_cable_capacity.printCabeceraListadoTirante(archivo, tit)

Reports of capacity_factor

postprocess.reports.list_capacity_factor.listaCapacityFactor(preprocessor, setName, fName, titulo)

Print results of normal stresses in elastic range checking for an elment set whose material is a steel shape.

postprocess.reports.list_capacity_factor.printCabeceraListadoCapacityFactor(archivo, nmbSecc)

Reports of cracking results

postprocess.reports.list_cracking.printCabeceraListadoFisuracion(archivo, nmbSecc)

Lists of data for reports

postprocess.reports.list_data.listSetNodes(preprocessor, setName, fileName, fmt)

Writes a list of the nodes from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaBarElementSet(preprocessor, setName, fName, fmt)

Writes a list of the bar elements from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaElementosSet(preprocessor, setName, fileName)

Writes a list of the nodes from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaElementosTrussSet(preprocessor, setName, fileName, fmt)

Writes a list of the truss elements from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaEntidadesLinea(preprocessor, lineName, fileName, nmbProcLstElementos, fmt, encab, tit)

Writes a list of the entities from the line

  • lineName – name of the line.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaEntidadesSet(preprocessor, setName, fileName, nmbProcLstElementos, fmt, encab, tit)

Writes a list of the entities from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaKPtsSet(preprocessor, setName, fileName, fmt)

Writes a list of the points from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.
  • fmt – format for coordinates.
postprocess.reports.list_data.listaLineasSet(setName, fileName)

Writes a list of the lines from the set

  • setName – name of the set.
  • fileName – file name.

Lists of displacements for reports

class postprocess.reports.list_displacements.RecordListadoDesplazamientos

Bases: object

formato = '{:7.2f}'
generaListadoDesplazamientos(nmbComb, fName)
listaCabeceras = []
pointsLists = []
sectionHeadingA = 'subsection'
sectionHeadingB = 'subsubsection'
titulo = 'Desplazamientos'
postprocess.reports.list_displacements.listNodeDisplacements(preprocessor, nmbComb, nodeList, fmt, fName, encab, tit)
postprocess.reports.list_displacements.listNodeDisplacementsLineas(preprocessor, nmbComb, setNameLineas, fmt, fName, encab, tit)
postprocess.reports.list_displacements.listNodeDisplacementsSET(nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName, encab, tit)
postprocess.reports.list_displacements.listNodeDisplacementsSet(preprocessor, nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName)
postprocess.reports.list_displacements.listPointsDisplacements(preprocessor, nmbComb, pointList, fmt, fName, encab, tit)

Writes a list of the displacements of the nodes associated to the points.

  • nmbComb – name of the combination for which the displacements were obtained.
  • pointList – list of points.
  • fmt – format for numbers.
  • fName – output file name.
  • encab – header.
  • tit – title.

Lists of internal forces for reports

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listBarSetInternalForces(preprocessor, nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName)

Print internal forces on the elements in the set argument.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listBarSetInternalForcesAndCF(preprocessor, nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName, nmbDiag)

Print internal forces and capacity factor of the elements contained in the argument set.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listLineSetInternalForces(preprocessor, nmbComb, setNameLineas, fmt, fName, encab, tit)

Print internal forces on the elements of the lines in the set argument.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listLineSetInternalForcesAndCF(nmbComb, setNameLineas, fmt, fName, encab, tit, nmbDiag)

Print internal forces and capacity factor of the elements contained in the lines of the argument set.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listaDatosEsfuerzosTrussSet(nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName)

Print internal forces on the truss elements in the set argument.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listaEsfuerzosElasticBeam3dSet(preprocessor, nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName)

Print internal forces on the truss elements of the lines in the set argument.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listaEsfuerzosTrussLineas(nmbComb, setNameLineas, fmt, fName, encab, tit)

Print internal forces on the truss elements of the lines in the set argument.

postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listaEsfuerzosTrussSet(nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName, encab, tit)
postprocess.reports.list_internal_forces.listaEsfuerzosZeroLengthSet(nmbComb, setName, fmt, fName, encab, tit)

Print internal forces on the zero length elements in the set argument.

Lists of loads for reports

Create load lists in LaTeX.

postprocess.reports.list_loads.ElementLoadList(loadPattern, outputFile, fmt)

List loads on elements.

postprocess.reports.list_loads.PunctualLoadList(preprocessor, loadPattern, outputFile, load, fmt)

List of punctual loads.

postprocess.reports.list_loads.UniformLoadList(preprocessor, loadPattern, outputFile, load, fmt)

List of uniform loads.

postprocess.reports.list_loads.listNodalLoads(loadPattern, outputFile, fmt)

List loads on nodes.

Lists displacements maximum and minimum for reports

postprocess.reports.list_max_min_displacements.listNodeUMaxUMin(preprocessor, setName, tit, fmt, fName)

Print the extrema of the displacements of the nodes set which name is being passed as parameter.

postprocess.reports.list_max_min_displacements.listNodeVMaxVMin(setName, tit, fmt, fName)

Print the extrema of the displacements of the nodes set which name is being passed as parameter.

postprocess.reports.list_max_min_displacements.listNodeWMaxWMin(preprocessor, setName, tit, fmt, fName)

Print displacement extrema of the nodes set which name is being passed as parameter.

Lists of metal-profile capacity for reports

postprocess.reports.list_metal_profiles_capacity.listSteelShapeTNStrengthElasticRange(setName, fName, titulo)

Print the results of normal stresses checking in an element set whose material is a steel shape.

postprocess.reports.list_metal_profiles_capacity.listSteelShapeVStrength(setName, fName, titulo)

Print the results of shear stress checking in an element set whose material is a steel shape.


Closes the listing.

postprocess.reports.list_metal_profiles_capacity.printTNListingHeaderSteelShape(archivo, tit)

Open the normal stresses listing.

postprocess.reports.list_metal_profiles_capacity.printVListingHeaderSteelShape(archivo, tit)

Open the shear listing.

Lists of axial and shear internal forces in beams for reports

postprocess.reports.list_N_V_beams.listBarNormalStressesLaTeX(nmbDBase, nmbTabla, nmbArchivoListadoTex)

Result of normal stresses in linear elements to include in a LaTeX file.

postprocess.reports.list_N_V_beams.listaBarShearLaTeX(nmbDBase, nmbTabla, nmbArchivoListadoTex)

Shear check results in linear elements to include in a LaTeX file.

Lists of reactions for reports

Generation of reactions repports.

class postprocess.reports.list_reactions.ReactionsListRecord

Bases: object

formato = '{:7.2f}'
listaCabeceras = []
nodeLists = []
sectionHeadingA = 'subsection'
sectionHeadingB = 'subsubsection'
titulo = 'Reactions'
write(nmbComb, fName)
postprocess.reports.list_reactions.listNodeReactions(preprocessor, nmbComb, nodeListArranque, fmt, fName, encab, tit, inclInertia=False)

Prints reactions for each of the nodes from the list.

Parameters:inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).
postprocess.reports.list_reactions.listPointReactions(nmbComb, pointList, fmt, fName, encab, tit, inclInertia=False)
Print the reactions associated with the nodes associated to the points from the list.
Parameters:inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).
postprocess.reports.list_reactions.listPointReactionsCSV(preprocessor, nmbComb, pointList, fmt, fName, inclInertia=False)
Prints the reactions in CSV (comma separated values) format.
Parameters:inclInertia – include inertia effects (defaults to false).

Lists of shear internal forces for reports


Print the shear verification listing foot.

postprocess.reports.list_shear.printShearVerificationListingHeader(archivo, nmbSecc)

Prints the header of the shear verification listing.

Reports of material properties

class postprocess.reports.report_material.ConcreteReport(concrDiag)

Bases: object

Constructs LaTex tables for depicting porperties of concrete materials.

Variables:concrDiag – concrete material (of type concrete01 or concrete02)

returns a LaTeX table that depicts the concrete compressive properties.


returns a LaTeX table that depicts the concrete tensile properties.

returns a LaTeX table that depicts the concrete tension
stiffening properties (concrete of type concrete02).
Parameters:paramTensStiffness – instance of the object concrete_base.paramTensStiffness that defines the parameters of tension stiffness
postprocess.reports.report_material.report_concrete02(concrDiag, paramTensStiffening, grTitle, grFileName, texFileName)

return a LaTeX table that depicts the concrete compressive, tensile and tension-stiffening properties as well as its stress-strain graphic.

  • concrDiag – concrete material of type concrete02
  • paramTensStiffening – instance of the object concrete_base.paramTensStiffness that defines the parameters of tension stiffness.
  • grTitle – title for the graphic
  • grFileName – name of the graphics file
  • texFileName – name of the LaTeX file